Electrical Supply
Calculation of total connected load, maximum demand and transformer capacity Calculation of cable sizes & lightning protection system Overall single line diagram, MV circuit breakers, transformer, Main LT panel and connections to all electric cabinets Floating of enquiry/tender Evaluation and finalisation of electrical equipment

Assessment of climatic conditions Heat load calculation Capacity of humidification plant No of air changes required Designing of supply air ducting and return air ducting Floating enquiries for humidification plant Floating enquiry / tender for ducting Evaluation and finalisation of humidification plant and ducting supplier

Compressed Air Supply
Requirement of compressed Capacity and type of compressor Layout of compressor with dryer and filter Designing of compressed air line Floating enquiry/tender for piping Evaluation and finalisation of compressor and air pipe supplier

Water Supply
Calculation of water requirement Capacity of the water storage and fire tank Water treatment plant Layout of the water tank and pump room Designing of water line Floating enquiry / tender for piping Evaluation and finalisation of water pipe supplier

Steam supply
Calculation of steam requirement Capacity of the boiler Layout of the boiler and fuel handling plant Designing of steam supply and condensate line Floating enquiry for boiler Floating enquiry / tender for piping Evaluation and finalisation of boiler and piping supplier

Thermic Fluid Supply
Calculation of thermic heat requirement Capacity of thermic heater Layout of thermopac and fuel handling plant Designing of oil supply line Floating enquiry for Thermopac Floating enquiry / tender for piping Evaluation and finalisation of Thermopac and piping supplier

Effluent Treatment Plant
Characteristic of effluent Quantity of effluent Water balancing Flow diagram Design parameter for treatment at each stage Layout of the effluent treatment plant Floating enquiry / tender for ETP Evaluation and finalisation of ETP

Sewage Treatment Plant
Characteristic of sewage Quantity of sewage Design of sewage treatment Floating enquiry / tender for STP Evaluation and finalisation of STP supplier